Preparing for finals right before Christmas can be an insane time. I know because I'm pretty much a professional student (I’ve taken countless exams through my years of medical training). Each year at this time, I get flashbacks and this recurring nightmare…weirdly, my nightmares are really nerdy. In them I oversleep and rush to my final exam, showing up late. Just as time runs out, before I can finish the test, I wake up in a cold sweat!

Final exams in December, as opposed to the spring, can be especially hard. There’s the distraction of buying gifts and thinking about the upcoming break. For me as a student in Boston, it was always wicked cold which made coming home late at night from the library particularly painful.
So if you’re going through this right now, I see you. All-nighters are sometimes necessary, but focus on hydration and nutrition. It will soon be all over. Hang in there! You got this!